M2- second heat: 1. GBR, 2. NZL, 3. NED

CC NED 1932 OG Los Angeles M2 second heat 1.GBR 2. NZL 3. NED

  The description on the back is not correct:

  the image on the left shows the second

  heat (same photo as CC GER 1932 OG

  Los Angeles M2-) and not the final


CC NED 1932 OG Los Angeles M2 second heat 1.GBR 2. NZL 3. NED reverse

M2- final: 1. GBR (H.A. Edwards & L. Clive)          8:00,0

                2. NZL (C. Stiles & F. Thompson)          8:02,4

                3. POL (H. Budzinski & J. Mikolajczak)   8:08,2

                4. NED (G. Roell & P. Roelofsen)           8:08,4

          cc ned 1932 og los angeles   2  final

cc ned 1932 og los angeles   2  final   reverse



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