MI 1059

       SC C274

       SG 738

       YV PA 288

stamp cha 1984 march 1st og los angeles mi 1059 4 race  

 stamp cha 1984 march 1st og los angeles mi 1059 imperforated 4 race
 stamp cha 1984 march 1st og los angeles mi 1059 ss de luxe imperforated 4 race  

This photo of a M4+ race shows a West-German

(FRG) crew in the foreground fighting against an

East-German (GDR) crew. Neither the regatta

course nor the year in which this event took place

are known. Johann Faerber (member of the FRG

crew that won the M4+ gold medal at the Munich

Olympic Games 1972 against a GDR M4+) has

assured that the stamp doesn't depict his crew.



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