Technical faults on Stamps, Coins, Phonecards
Banknote LTU 1991
bent arms during the first part of the stroke
CC AUS OG Melbourne 1956 - Sculling
CC FRA quartet card FN No. 5 °Sports Aquatiques° - Aviron
wrong position of hands
CC GER (editor and year of issue unknown) "Trinkt Milch"
One gulp and he'll capsize!
Cinderella & Label AUS 1956 OG Melbourne ESPERANTO
Extreme bum-shoving
Cinderella GER 1981 Deutsche Sporthilfe - design No. 9 of unissued stamps
source: Bundesdruckerei print sheet
sent to the press for publication
Scullers sitting too far away from their stretchers
No efficient finish of the stroke feasible
Coin LIB 2003 - OG Tokyo 1964 - 10 Dollars (silver PP)
Bent legs at the finish of the stroke
Coin POL 2008 - OG Beijing - Two Zlotys
Sculls not parallel
Label GER "Meisterschaft" (cigar box label)
Wrong position of hands -
PC SUI 1922 - Swiss national championships regatta Bern Wohlensee (PU 1922)
The thumbs should be kept on
the ends of the scull handles
Pin URS 1968 - OG Mexico (image from stamp URS 1968 July 31st)
Back swing at the finish of the stroke extremely exaggerated
PM GER 1968 May 5th Hannoversch-Muenden - °Day of ROWING Sport°
With such an acute angel in the knees it is
impossible to exert full power on the stretcher.
Shins must be in a vertical position.
PM POL 1958 Aug. 25th ERC Poznan Aug. 22nd-31st
arm snatching = pulling with bent arms
during the first part of the stroke
PM POL 1963 Aug. 24th Poznan-Malta - 38th Polish national championships
Stamp ALG 2012 June 27th OG London - non-uniform clothing
MI 1693
SC 1558
SG 1712
YV 1626
Members of the same crew shall compete
wearing identical clothing
Stamp ARG 1987 Sept. 26th - Panamerican Games Indianapolis
MI 1894
SC 1600
SG 2074
YV 1599
Stamp CAF 2024 Nov. 29th - OG Paris (single sculler) 1000 FCFA + 1500 FCFA
Blades entering the water at different angels
Stretched arms at the beginning
of the stroke must be at the same height
Stamp COL 1971 July 16th - Panamerican Games Cali
MI 1196
SC C556
SG 1293
YV PA 533
No explanation needed!
Stamp CUB 1990 Nov. 15th Panamerican Games 1991 Havanna
MI 3442
SC 3277
SG 3585
YV 3080
Rower on the left side of the stamp with
straight arms and nearly streched legs
Stamp CZE 2012 June 20th SS OG London
MI MS 725
SC 3543
bum-shoving before the catch,
chins should be vertical
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