Regattas - G-H-I
Poster GBR UNDERGROUND Molesey Regatta (image on magnet)
Poster GER 2023 Welfenregatta Kaufering
Kaufering is a town 35 km west of Munich
The regatta is organized by RC am Lech Kaufering (RCLK)
Poster GER German national championships 1910 Starnberger See #Coll. RG Hansa Hamburg#
Poster GER German national championships Hamburg 1988 depicting Peter-Michael Kolbe #Coll. VZ#
Poster ITA 1927 - Students' national championships and national regatta Padova (printed on folded greeting card))
Program GBR 1980 The Head of the River Race
Program GBR 2004 - National Schools Regatta
Program GBR 2010 - The Metropolitan Amateur Regatta (founded 1866)
Program GER 1911 Berliner Ruder-Regatta (hard cover)
Program GER 2005 - Hoya regatta (with image from TC GER 1995)
Program GER DRV Masters-Championat Werder 2016 #Coll. VZ#
Program GER World Rowing Masters Regatta Duisburg 2012 #Coll. VZ#
Program ITA 1952 Catania regatta
Regatta Bernkastel (GER) - sticker + wine label
Registered card GER 1943 July 31st with PM Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn and registration label 554 S
Registered letter GER 1936 OG Berlin with PM Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn Aug. 12th
Registered letter GER 1936 OG Berlin with PM Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn Aug. 1st
Registered letter GER 1941 Aug. 31st Berlin-Gruenau with PM 2. Reichs-Post-Regatta and registration label Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn 423 c
Registered letter GER 1941 Aug. 31st Berlin-Gruenau with PM 2. Reichs-Post-Regatta with registration label Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn 398 c
Registered letter GER 1941 June 22nd with PM "Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta Berlin-Gruenau" and registration label No. 991 - arrival PM on back
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