Regattas - GER
PC GER Mannheimer Regatta (PU Mannheim 1912 July 7th - day of the regatta - with text concerning the event)
PC GER Munich regatta course - aerial view of finish area including grandstand
PC GER Munich-Oberschleisshein - regatta course (PU 1977)
PC GER Neumuenster - regatta on the Einfelder Lake (PU 1915)
PC GER Ratzeburg - greetings from the rowing town with photo of the regatta course on the Kuechensee
PC GER Rosslau - Gruss von der Prinz Aribert-Regatta (PU 1898)
PC GER Starnberger See Regatta (PU 1911)
PC GER Wiesbaden - greetings from the Kaiser Regatta (PU 1900)
PC GER8 Berlin-Gruenau regatta 1908 with an unidentified M8+ crew in foreground
Pin GER Brandenburg °Rowing for Life°
National flag & stylized finish tower of Brandenburg regatta
Pin GER Bremer Regatta-Verein
Pin GER Giessen Regatta 1961 with pennant of Regattaverein Giessen
Pin GER Luebecker Regatta-Verein
Pin GER Rheinisch-Westfaelischer Regatta-Verband, Duisburg (founded 1905) = Regatta federation of North Rhine-Westphalia
Plaque GER Duisburg regatta course (finish area with grandstand and finish tower)
PM GER 1936 Aug. 16th Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn - roller cancel
PM GER 1936 Berlin-Gruenau Regattabahn XI. Olympiade (letters a, c, d, e, g, h, i, k, m, n, p, q, s, t)
PM GER 1936 June 28th Berlin-Gruenau Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta
PM GER 1937 Aug. 1st Leipzig - German national Rowing championships
PM GER 1937 June 19th & 20th Berlin-Gruenau °Grosse Berliner Ruder-Regatta°
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