Regattas - GER
PC GER Berlin-Gruenau regatta course - bird's eye view 1934
PC GER Bremen - Regatta on the river Weser (PU 1936)
PC GER Bremen 1930 - regatta on the Weser river - Restaurant °Weser-Terrassen° in background
PC GER Bremen 1950-60 - regatta on the Weser river
PC GER Bremer Kriegs-Regatta 1940 PU with view from boathouse Bremer RV 1882 - addressee: Dr. Walter Wuelfing, president of the German Rowing Federation (DRV) 1949-1966
PC GER Dortmund RC Hansa von 1898 - M4+ race with boathouse in background
PC GER Dresden - Regatta start on the Elbe river - (PU 1914)
PC GER Duesseldorf Regatta 1908 (PU 1903)
A post card with a printed date "1908" postally used 1903?
PC GER Duisburg International Regatta (PU 1978)
PC GER Duisburg Regatta - M4+ race on the last 100 m (PU 1962)
PC GER Duisburg Regatta (pre World War II)
PC GER Duisburg Regatta 1980 with grandstand and M4- race approaching finish line
PC GER Duisburg Sportpark Wedau (PU 1990)
PC GER Duisburg-Ruhrort Regatta 1909 (organized by Rheinisch-Westfaelischer Regatta-Verband)
Posted on the day of the regatta
PC GER Duisburger RV - boathouse with restaurant and finish area of regatta course
PC GER Essen Huegelregatta M8+ race (PU 1953)
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. - °Stadt des Rudersports° - 8+ race on the Main river
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. - greetings from the Frankfurter Regattaverein (PU 1897)
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. - greetings from the regatta - Hipp-Hipp-Hurra! (PU 1901)
PC GER Frankfurt a.M. - greetings from the regatta (PU 1908)
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