Postcards - BEL
PC BEL (undated) - regatta Terdonck
PC BEL 1902 - Daniel Clarembaux & Georges Licot (BEL), M2X gold medal winners ERC Strasbourg 1902
PC BEL 1907 SN & RCN Ghent 8+ winner of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley regatta 1907 (undivided back)
PC BEL 1907 Sport Nautique & Royal Club Nautique de Gand crew posing as victors of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley regatta (PU July 18th)
PC BEL 1907 Sport Nautique & Royal Club Nautique de Gand crew winner of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley regatta 1907 (divided back)
PC BEL 1909 - Henley Regatta - Grand Challenge Cup winner crew Royal Club Nautique & Royal Sport Nautique de Gand
Portrait in the upper right corner:
coach M.V. De Bisshop
PC BEL 1909 Henley Royal Regatta - Royal Club Nautique de Gand (BEL) winning the Grand Challenge Cup (PU 1909 July 12th)
PC BEL 1909 Royal Club & Royal Sport Nautique de Gand crew, winner of the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley Regatta (PU July 1909)
PC BEL 1910 ERC Ostende
PC BEL 1952 Ghent °Henley Championats d'Europe Terdonck° R. C. N. Ghent
PC BEL 1955 ERC Ghent
This image is somewhat mysterious as apparently there are five M8+ competing whereas
only four lanes were available at the Ghent regatta course.
PC BEL 1985 WRC Hazewinkel - regatta course
PC BEL Brugse Trimm- en Roeiclub (boathouse)
PC BEL Brussels Kanovaren regatta
PC BEL cartoon "Finalen" (Sport Gent centenary)
PC BEL cartoon "Training" (Sport Gent centenary)
PC BEL comic drawing °Mississippi° by Karl Meersman (member of KRC Gent)
PC BEL Drawing of two ladies watching a 4+ race (PU 1901)
This postcard was sent from Paris to Berlin.
The text is written in English.
The small print "Dietrich & Co. Bruxelles"
on the left margin shows that it originates
from Belgium.
PC BEL Ghent - regatta day at Cluysen-Terdonck (undivided back = pre 1905)
In the FISA Centenary book (p. 24)
this postcard bears the date 1905
PC BEL Ghent Soc. Royale de Sport Nautique (founded 1883)
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