Pins - GER
Badge GER "Roseninsel-Achter" Regatta 2008 (organized by Muenchener Ruder- und Segelverein "Bayern") #Coll. VZ#
Regatta for eights only
staged on Starnberger See
about 25 km southwest of Munich
Badge GER 1925 DRV (= German Rowing Federation) - awarded to the German M2- champion Carl Schuettte #Coll. Bremer RV 1882#
Badge GER 1933 - German Rowing Federation 50th anniversary #Coll. MM#
Badge GER 1939 Schleswig-Holsteinischer Regatta-Verein, Kiel (founded 1904)
Affiliated clubs:
Eckernfoerder RC
Elmshorner RC
RK Flensburg
Erster Kieler RC
RG "Germania" Kiel
Akademischer RV Kiel
Kieler Frauen-RV
WSV Neumuenster
Rendsburger RV
Badge GER 1952 awarded for LM8+ national championship
Badge GER 1957 ERC Duisburg
Badge GER Duisburg World Rowing Masters Regatta 2012 #Coll. VZ#
Badge GER German Rowing Federation (= Deutscher Ruderverband)
Badge GER Hamburg RC Favorite Hammonia (founded 1854)
Badge GER Kassel Regatta
Badge GER Muenster Regatta 1928
Badge GER Trier Regatta 1924
Badge GER Wormser RC Blau-Weiss (founded 1883)
Button GER 1980 German Youth Championships RGM'72
Button GER 1983 Rudergesellschaft Speyer 1883 centenary
Button GER 1998 WRC Cologne - red logo on white background
Button GER 2001 Hoya RV 75th anniversary
Button GER Hamburg RV an den Teichwiesen #Coll. VZ#
Button GER NEW WAVE International Regatta Berlin-Gruenau
Medal GER Stuttgart Regatta 1922 (organized by Stuttgarter Rudergesellschaft 1899)
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