Olympic Regattas - 1980 Moscow
Stamp GAM 1995 Aug. 17th - OG Atlanta 1996 - Pertti Karppinen, three times M1X Olympic champion (1976, 1980 and 1984)
MI 2154
SC 1652
Pertti Karppinen also won the M1X gold medal
at WRC Bled 1979 and WRC Hazewinkel 1985
Stamp GDR 1980 Apr. 22nd - OG Moscow : Painting °Leipziger Vierer° by Wilfried Falkenthal (1975) depicting - from left to right - Wolfgang Mager, Stefan Semmler, Andeas Decker and stroke Siegtfried Brietzke (GDR), M4- gold medal winners OG Montreal 1976
MI 2505
SC 2099
SG E 2226
YV 2167
Stamp GEQ 1978 Jan. 25th OG Moscow (perforated & imperforated)
MI 1301
SC 7841
YV 159-B
MI A1301
The ROWING regatta took place at Moscow - not at Tallinn where the SAILING competitions were held.
White vest with red hoop and black- red-golden blades are the colours of GER. This nation boycotted the Moscow Games 1980.
So the renewal of the fight for gold in the M1X between Karppinen (FIN) and Kolbe (GER) had to be postponed till Los Angeles 1984.
Stamp GEQ 1978 Jan. 25th OG Moscow SS (perforated & imperforated) with Olympic pictogram No. 4
MI SS 289
SC 7847
SC 7848
The Olympic rowing regatta took place at Moscow - only the sailing competitions were
held at Tallin
Stamp MLI 2010 SS - OG Moscow 30th anniversary (perforated and imperforated) - Duncan Free (AUS), Olympic pictogram No. 5 in background
The designer selected Duncan Free for illustration though at the time of OG 1980 the sculler was seven years old, and AUS boycotted the Moscow Games. Duncan Free won the M2- gold medal together with his partner Drew Ginn at WRC Eton 2006, WRC Munich
2007 and OG Beijing 2008. As a sculler he gained bronze medals at OG Atlanta 1996 (M4X), WRC
Aiguebelette 1997 (M2X) and WRC St. Catharines 1999 (M4X). In 2001 he won the Diamond Sculls at Henley.
Stamp PRK 1980 Oct. 20th SS (perforated & imperforated) - OG Moscow with Olympic pictogram No. 5 in left margin
MI SS 84 A MI SS 84 B -
Stamp PRK 1980 Oct. 20th SS Winners of OG Moscow
Stamp ROU 1980 June 20th - OG Moscow
MI 3738
SC 2967
YV 3294
Stamp STP 1977 Dec. 1st SS - 60th anniversary of Russian October revolution - W4+ on Moscow regatta course (perforated & imperforated)
MI 492 A
SC 467
YV 469
MI 492 B
SC 468 A
MI SS 11 A
MI SS 11 B
Stamp STP 1981 Febr. 2nd - OG Moscow
MI 667
MI 667 block of 4
SC 595a
MI SS 51 A
MI SS 51 B
Stamp TAN 2022 (unauthorized issue) - Pertti Karppinen (FIN)
P. Karppinen won the M1X gold medal at three consecutive Olympic Games (1976 Montreal, 1980 Moscow, and 1984 Los Angeles).
He became M1X world champion in 1979 (Bled) and in 1985 (Hazewinkel)
Stamp TOG 1980 Febr. 29th SS OG Moscow (perforated & imperforated)
The Olympic rowing regatta 1980 took place
at Moscow, not at Tallinn where the sailing
contests were held
MI SS 155 A
MI SS 155 B
Photo from book °Montreal 1976° by H.
Rosendahl, published by Corvus Verlag 1976, page 97
The decisive moment in the M1X final at OG Montreal 1976:
The favourite P. M. Kolbe (GER) in the foreground
is no longer able to defend his leading position against
P. Karppinen (FIN) and has to rest content with the silver medal.
Stamp URS 1978 March 24th SS - OG Moscow
Wrong wrist position with feathered blades MI SS 127
SC B78
YV BF 126
MI 4712
Stamp URS 1981 OG Moscow (unauthorized) - Pertti Karppinen (FIN), Olympic M1X champion 1976 OG Montreal and 1980 OG Moscow (+ 1984 OG Los Angeles)
Pertti Karppinen also won the M1X gold medal
at WRC Bled 1979 and WRC Hazewinkel 1985
Stamp URS 1981 OG Moscow (unauthorized) - Joachim Dreifke & Klaus Koeppelien (GDR), M2X gold medal winners OG Moscow 1980 + WRC Munich 1981
Stamp USA 1979 Sept. 28th - OG Moscow
Stationary II URS 1978 July 5th (left) and 1979 Sept. 13th (right) - OG Moscow
The cover on the right has a box beneath the picture
Stationary II URS 1978 OG Mocow 1980
Ticket URS 1980 July 20th OG Moscow
Ticket URS 1980 OG Moscow July 22nd
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