Olympic Regattas - 1976 Montreal
Stamp URS 1981 OG Moscow (unauthorized) - Pertti Karppinen (FIN), Olympic M1X champion 1976 OG Montreal and 1980 OG Moscow (+ 1984 OG Los Angeles)
Pertti Karppinen also won the M1X gold medal
at WRC Bled 1979 and WRC Hazewinkel 1985
Stamp VOL (now BUR) 1976 March 17th SS (perforated & imperforated - OG Montreal with Olympic pictogram No. 3 in left and right margin
MI SS 40A (Obervolta)
MI SS 40B (Obervolta)
Stamp VOL (now BUR) 1976 March 25th SS OG Montreal (perforated & imperforated)
SC C233
Different perforations
Stamp VOL (now BUR) 1977 July 4th OG Montreal SS with overprint °Winner 1976 Frank and Alf Hansen NOR° - The Hansen brothers won the M2X final, depicted is a M2-
MI SS 45
SC C247
large perforations
MI SS 45
SC C247
small perforations
The miniature sheet with black
overprint was not valid for postage.
The design shows a sweep oar
race whereas Frank & Alf Hansen
(NOR) won the M2X gold medal.
Stamp YUG 1976 July 17th - OG Montreal (perforated & imperforated)
MI 1659
SG 1745
YV 1551
#Coll. MV#
Ticket CAN 1976 July 24th OG Montreal (finals women) with stamp and commemorative PM
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