Most medals were awarded for a victory on a regatta. Some were produced for collectors in order to document a certain event.
Medal DEN World Rowing Masters Regatta Copenhagen 2016 #Coll. VZ#
Medal DEN Copenhagen International Regatta 1965
Medal ESP Olympic Games (11 g silver 9,999)
Medal FISA 1895 ERC Ostende
Medal FISA 1911 ERC Como
Medal FISA 1912 ERC Geneva
Medal FISA 1931 ERC Paris #Coll. MM#
Medal FISA 1932 ERC Belgrade #Coll. BI#
Medal FISA 1933 ERC Budapest #Coll. MM#
Medal FISA 1934 ERC Lucerne (large & small size)
Small medal #Coll. MM#
Medal FISA 1935 ERC Berlin
Medal FISA 1950 ERC Milano
Medal FRA - Arthus Bertrand
Medal FRA - M2X (60 g)
Engraver: Gloria
Medal FRA 1928 bronze signed H. Demey - orthodox rowing
Medal FRA 1949 French Rowing Federation - W8+ championship of Morocco
It is amazing that the French Rowing Federation was able in 1949 to organize a W8+ championship
race in Morocco as this boat class often suffers from a lack of entries. Perhaps it was a W8X+ race.
Medal FRA 1989 - 16th FISA-Veterans-Regatta Vichy
Medal FRA 2003 - FISA-Masters-Regatta Vichy
Medal FRA ERC Vichy 1967 participant
Medal FRA Marseille Rowing Club centenary 2014
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