Internat. Championships - WRC
PC AUS 1990 WRC Tasmania Lake Barrington
PC AUT LM2X Christoph Schmoelzer & Walter Rantasa (AUT) gold medal winners WRC Bled 1989
Gold medal WRC Bled 1989
Bronze medal WRC Lake Barrinton 1990
Silver medal WRC Vienna 1991
PC CAN 1999 WRC St. Catharines
PC CAN 1999 WRC St. Catharines - Sculpture ° The Spirit of St. Caherines° by Perry P. Wakulich
Text on the back: "To honour the athletes, coaches and volunteers of St. Catherines who
continue to have a significant impact on the sport of rowing"
PC CHN 1988 WRC for lightweights Milan - LW4- gold medal winners Lin Zhiai, Zang Huajie, Liang Sanmei & Zeng Meilan (CHN)
First gold medal win for CHN
at FISA championships
PC CRO 2011 - M4X gold medal win for CRO at WRC Lake Karapiro 2010 - with matching PM Febr. 22nd Zagreb
PC CRO 2015 - M2X gold medal win for Martin & Valent Sinkovic (CRO) at WRC Amsterdam 2014 with PM Zagreb Jan. 14th
PC FIN 1995 WRC Tampere
PC FIN 1995 WRC Tampere Kaukajaervi regatta course
PC FRA 1997 WRC Aiguebelette
PC FRA 2012 Lac d'Aiguebette candidate for WRC 2015
PC FRA 2015 WRC Aiguebelette (five different images)
PC GBR 1986 WRC Nottingham - cartoon
PC GDR 1968 - the legendary GDR M4- crew, gold medal winner WRC 1966 + 1970, ERC 1967 + 1971, OG 1968 + 1972
Frank Forberger
Dieter Grahn
Frank Ruehle
Dieter Schubert
PC GER Munich WRC 1981 - finish area and grandstand of regatta course Oberschleissheim
PC GER 1983 WRC Duisburg - grandstand and finish tower
PC GER 1992 depicting M8+ GER 1991 (gold medal winner WRC Vienna) with stamp and FDC-PM 1992
The gold medal winner crew 1991 rowed with M. Mauerwerk & F. Richter instead of J. Hecht & W. Klapheck -
PC GER 2007 - M8+ crew GER, gold medal winner at WRC Eton 2006
PC GER M8+ crew GDR, silver medal winner WRC Duisburg 1983
PC ITA 1982 - M2+ World Champions WRC Lucerne 1982 Carmine & Guiseppe Abbagnale, cox Di Capua (ITA)
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