Internat. Championships - WERC
AC GDR 1966 WERC Amsterdam - W2X gold medal winners Monika Sommer & Ursula Pankraths (GDR)
AC GDR 1966 WERC Amsterdam - W4X+ gold medal winner crew GDR
Badge GBR 1960 WERC Willesden
CC FRA 1979 Editions Rencontre - Renée Camu (FRA), W1X silver medal winner at WERC 1963 Moscow, 1965 Duisburg and 1968 Berlin-Gruenau
FDC GDR 1968 June 6th Berlin - WERC 1968 Berlin-Gruenau
FDC HUN 1970 Aug. 19th Budapest - WERC TATA perforated & imperforated
FDC ROU 1955 Aug. 20th - WERC Bucharest
According to the MICHEL catalogue the
first day of issue was Aug. 22nd but here
the postmark shows a date two day earlier.
Illustrated card GER 1957 WERC Duisburg with PM Aug. 25th = day of finals)
Illustrated cover GDR 1972 - WERC Brandenburg Aug. 10th-13th (Logo + PM Aug. 14th)
MC GDR 1972 - GDR M2- W. Klatt (stroke) & P. Gorny (bow), gold medal winners at WRC St. Catharines 1970 and ERC Copenhagen 1971
MC HUN 1970 WERC Tata with FDC-PM Budapest
MC HUN 1970 WERC Tata with FDC-PM Tata
MC HUN 1988 OG Seoul with FDC-PM
Kornelia Papp (HUN) won the W1X gold medal at four succesive WERC 1958-1961 -
Pin GDR 1962 WERC Berlin-Gruenau
Pin ROU 1955 WERC Bucharest
PM GDR 1968 June 6th Berlin - WERC Berlin-Gruenau (FDC-PM)
PM GDR 1972 Aug. 11th Brandenburg - WERC Aug. 10th-13th
PM GER 1957 Aug. 25th WERC Duisburg (day of finals )
PM HUN 1970 Aug. 19th - WERC Tata
PM Budapest (left) and PM Tata (right)
PM URS 1963 Sept. 6th WERC Moscow 6.-8.IX 1963
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