Collectors' Cards - GER
CC GER 1928 GOERLITZER - OG Amsterdam series 14 No. 1 - Kurt Moeschter & Bruno Mueller (GER), M2- gold medal winners
CC GER 1928 GREILING Cigarettes °Wassersport ° No. 5 - M8+ crew Koelner RG von 1891 German national champion 1927
Martin Schwingeler, Juergen Stange, Hermann Wasserberg, Alfred Preuss, Max Horster, August Berges, Hans Grossmann, Fritz Streck, cox Carl Braschoss -
CC GER 1928 GREILING OG Amsterdam No. 190 °Mueller - Moeschter GER° (M2- gold medal)
CC GER 1928 GREILING ZIGARETTEN 1. Serie "Wassersport" No. 1 - Georg Trumpfheller, Hanauer RC "Hassia"
CC GER 1928 GREILING ZIGARETTEN 1. Serie "Wassersport" No. 10 - Zogbaum, Breslau
CC GER 1928 GREILING ZIGARETTEN 1. Serie "Wassersport" No. 15 - M4+ crew Berliner RC "Sturmvogel"
CC GER 1928 GREILING-ZIGARRETTEN "Wassersport" No. 4 - M4+ crews at regatta Berli-Gruenau 1927 just after the startt
CC GER 1928 KORNFRANCK - OG Amsterdam series 12 No. 5 - Mueller & Moeschter (GER), winners of the M2- event
CC GER 1928 KORNFRANCK - OG Amsterdam series 12 No. 6 - Pearce (AUS), M1X gold medal winner
CC GER 1928 RICHTER'S TEE (= tea) - eight different drawings of sports
CC GER 1928 SALEM CIGARETTES - OG Amsterdam series 118 No. 3 - Pearce (AUS), winner of the single sculls
CC GER 1928 WAGNER & CO. (margarine) series 6 No. 6 with text related to rowing on back
CC GER 1929 "SALEM" CIGARETTES - OG Amsterdam series 122 No. 3 - Kurt Moeschter & Bruno Moeller (GER), M2- gold medal winners
CC GER 1929 Parker-Holladay Berlin °Karl Album° No. 8
Exact teamwork yields victory
Are you accomplishing your part?
CC GER 1930 GEG-Cigarettes "German Sport in 96 pictures" No. 67: Sculling in a single sculls
CC GER 1930 GEG-CIGARETTES °German Sport in 96 Pictures° No. 68: Training
CC GER 1930 PALMIN °Allerhand Wasserfahrzeuge° 152. Folge No. 2
CC GER 1930 TRUMPF CHOCOLATES °Durch alle Welt° album C series 16 No. 5 - Regatta Berlin-Gruenau
CC GER 1932 BERGMANN CIGARETTES - °Olympia-Sieger 1932° album 3 No. 6 with incorrect text on back about a silver medal for the German crew
The German M4+ won the gold medal, not the silver medal.
It was the German M4- crew who came second in the final.
CC GER 1932 BULGARIA CIGARETTES - Sport photo No. 180 - Amicitia Mannheim wins the M8+ event at Berlin-Gruenau and will represent GER at OG Los Angeles
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