Clubs, Schools and Universities S-T-U
A rowing club boathouse image should be identifiable as such at the first glance. Just a building with no boats, flags or other signs of the sport is only sufficient if the construction of the boathouse is exceptional.
Badge USA Los Gatos RC California (founded 1979)
Cachet SUI "Deutscher Ruder-Verein Zuerich"
CC USA 1910 MURAD CIGARETTES College Series 51-75 °George Washington University° #Coll. A#
CC USA 1910 MURAD College series 1-25 °Cornell°
CC USA 1910 MURAD College series 1-25 °Texas°
CC USA 1910 MURAD College series 1-25 °Washington & Jefferson° #Coll. KA#
CC USA 1910 MURAD College series 1-25 °Yale°
CC USA 1910 MURAD College series 101-125 °Kenyon°
CC USA 1924 WILLARD CHOCOLATE °Sports Champions° No. 29 - Syracuse University
Cinderella SUI - RC "Reuss" Lucerne
Cinderella SUI 1912 - Deutscher RV Zurich
FDC URU 1975 Jan. 27th - centenary of Montevideo RC
FDC URU 2001 Febr. 28th - centenary of Club Remeros Paysandu
Illustrated cover SUI 1981 May 28th Vierwaldstaetter See - centenary of Seeclub Luzern (founded May 28th 1881)
Illustrated cover URS 1975 with photo of Birstonas Rowing Center LTU (No. 962) in two different colours
Illustrated cover URS 1976 with photo of Birstonas Rowing Center LTU (No. 964) in two different colours
Illustrated cover USA 1976 March 7th Nashua °The LTI Rowing Club honors ROWING at the Olympic Games Montreal 1976°
LTU = Lowell Technological Institute
(merged with Lowell State College to become University of Lowell in 1975 and changed its name to University of Massachusetts-Lowell in 1991)
Label SUI Société Nautique Neuchatel (SNN, founded 1885) - membership card 1924
Magazine cover USA 1900 Tip Top Weekly July issue No. 221 (image on magnet)
Magazine cover USA 1902 The Saturday Evening Post - Harvard versus Yale university (image on magnet)
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